Title: The darker side of Owen Wilson
Author: Rebecca Winters Keegan
Source: Time Magazine
Date: 29th August, 2007
Article link: http://www.time.com/time/arts/article/0,8599,1657561,00.html
This article is basically about how Owen Wilson, an actor well known for his comedic roles and happy-go-lucky lifestyle attempted suicide. Although he survived and is now in better condition than ever but it begged the question why. In the eye of the public, Wilson lived a very carefree, partying life, he was the kind of person every guy wanted to be. His fans were confused. People then later realized that Wilson was dealing with a lot of mental, emotional stress especially since the break up with his girlfriend and a fight he had with a friend. The actor slit his wrists in his Santa Monica home and nearly didn't make it but he was hospitalized and revived on time.
Big meaning:
The whole incident is an example of what any average human being could be going through. We put on a happy face and live life as it is but if we continue to ignore the issues that bother us personally, we would eventually fall apart and do things that no one can control. Family is very important when it comes to dealing with things like this. It is our responsibility as mother, father, sister or brother to always be there for our loved ones and let them know that they can always come to us when they're having troubles. If small issues like this is not taken care of at home, it can also be a danger to society. For example, if the person gets overly stressed or depressed, it may result in them drinking or engaging in other activities and if this person say gets drunk and goes out to the street and drives, it would endanger the lives of many others. Therefore, it is important for us to have a good social circle or support system no matter what. Schools should also make an effort to be there for students and help them deal with problems as they grow. Also, if these people continue to live like this, it may result in them harming their physical health as they might start to ignore their diet or drink too much etc. Our bodies will no longer be physically able to carry out daily life activities and we would just feel weak all the time. If we don't communicate and talk about it, we would also start throwing tantrums at our loved ones and have emotional ups and downs which will jeopardize our relationships with certain people in our lives. Therefore, it is really important to just have someone to talk to and be there for family to avoid such issues happening to us.
Personal Meaning:
This article makes me realize the importance for me to be there for my loved ones. Everyone deals with stress everyday and so do I but knowing that I have a purpose in life and just knowing that I have a place to go to whenever I feel down, that keeps me going everyday. Its important to just be optimistic and learn from mistakes. In general, I'm the kind of person who doesn't get upset easily and even if I do, I keep it to myself most of the time. However, Owen Wilson's story has taught me that if the issue that is stressing me out is really big, I shouldn't just keep it all to myself and lock it up within me, I should let it out and just by doing that, life becomes a lot easier. I will now learn to improve my relationships with the people in my life and let the know that they can count on me the same way I know I can count on them no matter what.