Thursday, October 14, 2010

Biodiversity Reflection

Can nature and humanity flourish  simultaneously? Briefly explain your answer.

As times are changing and the quality of life is increasing, humans are now living in a state where we are given such comfort and provided with many privileges. However, it has caused such damage to nature. I think that it is possible although it is going to be very difficult for mankind to ensure that it happens. To me, it is not a matter of can we do it but the fact that we MUST do it, humans have to find some way in order to preserve the earth. Governments play important roles in this. They have to enforce stricter laws on how much of a land can be used up or how many cars a person can have etc. Of course at the end of the day, it comes down to us, being ordinary members of the society and if we can control ourselves, consume less and to just prioritize what should we place as important then it could happen.

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